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  集保物流设备(中国)有限公司集保(CHEP)作为全球托盘和塑料周转箱共享租赁服务的提供商和行业,拥有着的物流链管理技术和超过50年的行业经验,公司在全球42个的7700多名员工管理着超过2.65亿的托盘和周转箱,同时在快速消费品行业,家居行业,原材料和汽车行业服务于超过30万的客户群体,这其中包括宝洁,联合利华,可口可乐,开乐氏,卡夫,雀巢,沃尔玛,家乐福,麦德隆,家得宝,福特汽车和通用汽车等等。〈br〉〈br〉 遵循着WTO中国租赁市场开放及准入时间表的进程,集保(CHEP)于近期获得了其在中国设立独资企业的经营许可权,从而开始了致力于中国市场的开发和营运。为此,我们正在寻求所述各个领域里的人才来扶持我们的迅猛发展并帮助我们共同实现可以预期的美好未来。CHEP is the global leader in pallet and plastic container pooling service. Combining cutting-edge supply chain technology and over five decades of industry experience, the company has more than 7,700 employees in 42 countries managing more than 265 million pallets and containers serving 300,000 plus customers around the world in the FMCG, home improvement, raw materials and automotive industries. Our global partners include Procter &; Gamble, Unilever, Coca-Cola, Kellogg’s, Kraft, Nestle, Wal-Mart, Carrefour, Metro, The Home Depot, Ford and GM.〈br〉〈br〉CHEP has obtained its WOFE license in China recently based on the WTO market ess timetable and is now preparing a major launch of CHEP operations in China. 〈br〉We are looking for top talents to support our tremendous growth in the foreseeable future.1.全球的托盘和物料箱共享租赁公司,总部位于美国奥兰多2.2009财年全球营收超过33亿美元3.在全球45个和地区有超过7000名员工服务超过34.5万个公司4.在全球设有超过500个服务中心5.每天管理超过3亿片托盘和物料箱的流动6.集保设有专门的托盘和物料箱研发测试中心7.RFID(无线射频识别) 技术应用的倡导者和者8.母公司Brambles集团于伦敦和悉尼上市